Colorful Creatives Sarah Schwuchow Colorful Creatives Sarah Schwuchow

Colorful Creatives: Rachel Serb Photography

Rachel Serb is a Chicago Photographer, specializing in maternity, newborn, infant milestone, and family photos. In this interview, Rachel shares how she started her photography business, how she landed her first clients, and what keeps her motivated today. With the launch of her new branding for 2019, I’m so excited to share this week on Colorful Creatives, Rachel Serb Photography.

We made it through the polar vortex and it’s finally starting to warm up! I’ll admit I really haven’t left my home/office much this week at all, perks of being self employed! This last month, I’ve been working hard on putting together new Colorful Creatives interviews, design blogs, and behind the scenes on my interior design projects. 2019 is going to be a great year!

I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Rachel over the last couple years and watched her develop as a photographer. She has a fantastic eye and is really able to capture the perfect moments, creating lasting memories for families to cherish. She just re branded her business from Little Dumpling Photography to Rachel Serb Photography and the new look is stunning! I’m particularly excited to share Rachel’s interview as her path to entrepreneurship wasn’t always planned. Her strength as a mom helped her overcome challenges with her family’s health, and out of necessity for flexible work hours, she found her creative passion. Sometimes life doesn’t always go as planned, but you always find yourself right where you need to be. This girl boss is killing it and is an inspiration for us all. I hope you enjoy getting to know Rachel Serb and be sure to follow her on social media!

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1. How did you get started as a photographer? Do you have an educational background in photography?

I definitely do not have a background in photography. I never really knew I wanted to be a photographer full time until I started making strides to launch my business full time. I grew up pretty much always wanting to be a teacher. I hold a masters degree in education and I have several years’ teaching experience. After I took maternity leave with my son, I never went back into the classroom. My little one was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder and I needed to stay home with him for quite some time- he was unable to go to daycare. I needed a job that offered more flexibility. I always dabbled in photography. Every teacher has a “side hustle” and photography was definitely mine. I decided to launch my business full time so I could earn an income but have more flexibility around my son’s condition. I have now been running a successful business since 2016. I have recently re branded and my son is doing quite well with the help of neupogen injections. We have another little boy on the way.


2. Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?

Not at all! It just kind of fell into my lap. I totally love it though. I love being my own boss.

3. When did you know it was the right time to go full time on your business?

It slowly progressed into full time work. I definitely work full time hours now. However, I didn’t at the beginning. I had to work really hard building up a client base at first. Now, most of my clients are return clients. I am always happy to meet new families, too.

4. What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome with owning your own business?

My biggest struggle has been finding a way to balance my son’s health issues and growing my business. Growing a business is difficult and very time-consuming. After making the decision to open Rachel Serb Photography things have fallen into place. Things have a way of working out when you are doing what you are meant to do. My husband and mother have been super supportive of my business. When I first started- I spent lots of time editing sessions for clients in a hospital room with my son. Now things are a lot better regarding his health— but it’s still hard to find enough hours in the day managing a toddler (while being pregnant) and working full time. Every day is a little bit crazier than the last. 

5. How did you reach your potential clients when first starting your business? Has anything changed in that process now? What have you learned?

I started marketing in “mom groups” on Facebook! I never really marketed to friends and family. I wanted to go and seek out my own “real” clients- not just friends. Haha! Now-- I still use social media quite a bit, but in a different way. Facebook is a great tool! I also keep clients up to date with an email list, etc. I also make sure my clients are super happy and love their photos so they return and refer their friends. Referrals are HUGE!

6. Do you feel you need to educate people on what you do? How do you handle that situation?

Totally! People think I just come to them and take a few photos. They definitely don’t see how much work goes into the back end. There are also SO many expenses that go into running a business. Taxes, insurance, equipment, etc. I spend hours editing photos to perfection.  Most individuals don’t know how much work goes into the final product. Between marketing, emailing clients, setting up shoots and sending out contracts, editing, importing and exporting photos, etc. I would estimate maybe 1/50th of my time is actually spent shooting. REALLY. I do, however, want my clients to have a seamless experience. I don’t want them to see how much work goes into a session. I want them to have it easy and just have fun and be relaxed-- make memories with their kids.


7. What is your favorite & least favorite “hat” to wear as a business owner?

I HATE working on website stuff. Rebranding was a huge pain, but SO worth it. I don’t like dealing with domains, SEO, etc.

8. As a busy business owner, how to do avoid burn out?  

Just make sure you keep doing what you love. Look at the big picture. Why did you start your business? Certain seasons are hard but it is all worth it. I get better at facing challenges every day.

9. Where do you look for inspiration?

All over! I get ideas from my clients. I am always open to trying new things. Many times, clients come to me with a specific idea in mind. I also love to see what other photographers are doing too. Chicago has a great community of photographers and we love bouncing ideas off each other and giving each other tips!

10. How do you stay motivated?

It is pretty easy for me to stay motivated. I truly work hard and keep long hours, but I love what I do. I love my clients. I love seeing them happy. I LOVE seeing my clients cry when they look at photos of their children. I love making moms feel beautiful. I love watching my baby clients grow. I love my job. It is easy to do something you love.


11. How do you start your Monday?

I try to take Monday off--- sooooo COFFEE!

12. What are you working on right now?

Still working on finishing up the tail end of my rebrand. I changed my business name from Little Dumpling Photography to Rachel Serb Photography. I am also working on booking Spring/Summer 2019!


13. Where is your favorite place to work?

My favorite place to shoot is outside! I love love love shooting outside in the fall. I also really love shooting in my client’s homes. Kiddos are usually quick to warm up in home and we get some great photos. You don’t need to have the “picture perfect” home to get great photos.


14. What are some colors you are connecting with right now?

I love blush pinks and sage greens.

15. What are some of your favorite textures/ materials?

Marble, driftwood, greenery!

16. What is something you could not live without?

My son. My hubby. Coffee. My camera. Coffee. My mama.


17. What’s your favorite thing to do in Chicago?

I love going to the Shed with my son

18. If you could travel anywhere in the world for inspiration, where would it be and why?

I really loved shooting in Ireland. I am dying to go back.


19. What’s your favorite season and why?

Fall. It is my busy season and the PERFECT time for family photos.


20. What are you looking forward to in 2019?

The birth of our 2nd son.

21. What is a piece of advice you would tell your past self on the first day you started your business?

Value yourself. Value your time. Value what you bring to the table.


22. Any inspirational books you recommend?

The Little Engine that Could? Haha! Most of my time is spent reading to my son these days.

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Colorful Creatives Sarah Schwuchow Colorful Creatives Sarah Schwuchow

Colorful Creatives: The Morning List

The Morning List is a lifestyle brand and website. Bringing you inspiring stories, noteworthy news, style tips, advice and so much more. The Morning List hopes is to inspire, encourage and spark your creativity for the day ahead. Check out Teresa’s interview below and be sure to get on the list!

Happy Friday! Have you gotten use to the time change yet? It has been an incredibly long week, and I still have’’t adjusted to the 4:30pm sunset. It doesn't help that we skipped right over fall and jumped into winter. It’s snowing today! If the dark, cold, winter months are affecting your productivity, this ones for you. My new friend Teresa, founder of The Morning List has just what you need to jump start your day!

The Morning List is a lifestyle brand and website. Bringing you inspiring stories, noteworthy news, style tips, advice and so much more. The Morning List hopes is to inspire, encourage and spark your creativity for the day ahead. Check out Teresa’s interview below and be sure to get on the list!

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Teresa Mainock | The Morning List

IG @themorninglistco 

FB @themorninglistco


1. How did you get started with The Morning List?

Well throughout every season of my life (as far back as middle school) I have continuously blogged, but never actually had the courage to really share it with anybody until I was blessed with the opportunity to launch The Morning List. The idea originally came from 3 girls from 3 generations (myself and 2 other gals I previously worked with). We instantly connected despite our age differences and found ourselves searching for something more in each of our own lives. We realized that although we were all going through different things in life, at the end of the day we are all women who share the same interests and decided to put our unique passions into one place, and thus TML was created. Since then I am now the only founder carrying out TML, but it continues to be a creative platform and lifestyle brand that women of all generations are able to connect with.

2. Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?

Actually, yes! I have always wanted to me my own boss (lol).   

3. Do you work a day job or are you full time on your business?

I currently work as a nanny for my 3 nephews so TML is not my full time career. However, I am very blessed to have the flexibility in my work schedule to be able to dedicate a lot of my time to it! 

4. What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome with owning your own business?

Overcoming fear and taking risks! I’m a very shy and safe person so stepping out of my comfort zone is extremely difficult for me! 

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5. What is your favorite & least favorite “hat” to wear as a business owner?

Ahh, favorite ‘hat’ would definitely be just getting the opportunity to use my creative side through the photography, creating a brand aesthetic and content—it’s so fun! Least favorite, anything that asks me to step outside my comfort zone! I enjoy being a behind the scenes kind of business owner.

6. How do you stay motivated?

Through prayer, reading and connecting with other entrepreneurs.  

7.    What are you working on right now?

Right now I am currently in the process of re launching The Morning List with a new look and a couple other exciting things are coming up early 2019! 

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8. Where do you look for inspiration?

Instagram and magazines for sure!

9. Where is your favorite place to work?

My desk. 

10. How do you start your Monday?

Early! And always with coffee and quiet time. And if you’re not subscribed to the TML newsletter, The List (which you should be ;) ) we send out an email every Monday morning to help you get your week started off on the right foot!  

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11. What are some colors you are connecting with right now?

Red and white are my go-to colors.

12. What are some of your favorite textures/ materials?

Depends. I love linen and cotton for clothing and leather for furniture. 

13. What is something you could not live without?

Besides my dog…coffee and tv.


14. Where is your favorite place to travel and with who?

California! I try to get there at least twice a year!

15. What’s your favorite thing to do where you live?

I am a suburban girl through and through, so I love discovering little hidden gems that bring that city feel to the suburbs.

16. Any inspirational books you recommend?

 I love to read and I love Elizabeth Gilbert! Eat, Pray, Love and Big Magic are two favorites I can read over and over. As well as 100 Days to Brave which is one of my favorite morning devotionals by Annie F. Downs.

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